Oral Mucositis


  • Berislav Topić Department of Medical Sciences, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
  • Ana Cekić-Arambašin Department of Oral Medicine, Zagreb University School of Dental Medicine, Zagreb


Mucositis, Stomatitis, Antineoplastic Agents, Radiation Injuries, Radiotherapy, Gelclair, Review


Oral mucositis develops in 100% of patients receiving radical radiotherapy for head and neck malignancies, 70%-80% of patients on chemotherapy for bone marrow transplantation, 75% of patients on high-dose chemotherapy, and 40% of patients on standard chemotherapy. The oncologic team managing this casuistics should also include a dental medicine doctor to take active part in the treatment of these patients before, during and after therapy administration because of the associated oral complications. Oral mucositis and xerostomia pose
difficulties in the intake of food and drinks, leading to malnutrition and dehydration. An array of agents with a varying therapeutic efficacy is now available for the treatment of oral mucositis. Recently, a novel agent named Gelclair, manufactured by Helsin Birex Pharmaceuticals from Dublin, Ireland, has appeared on the market. Gelclair has proved highly efficacious in the management of oral mucositis, ulcerous lesions of oral mucosa of other etiologies, postoperative wounds in oral cavity, etc. Gelclair has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration FDA, CE and Drug Commission of the Republic of Croatia as a class 1 medical aid.


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How to Cite

Topić, B., & Cekić-Arambašin, A. (2006). Oral Mucositis. Acta Medica Academica, 35(1), 40–49. Retrieved from https://www.ama.ba/index.php/ama/article/view/12



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