Introduction and preparation of an objective structured clinical examination in family medicine for undergraduate students at the University of Split


  • Irena Zakarija-Grković University of Split School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine Split
  • Vladimir J. Šimunović Department of Medical Humanistic, School of Medicine, Split University and Unit for Science and Research Split University Hospital, Split


Medical education, Clinical skills, Assessment, Objective structured clinical examination


Objective. To describe the implementation of the first ObjectiveStructured Clinical Examination (OSCE) conducted at the Universityof Split School of Medicine. Methodology. Twenty-one clinical skillsrelevant to general practice were selected and described in a Handbookfor students. Assessment sheets were created. After performingan inventory of available resources, teaching models were purchasedand practical classes arranged. A Centre for Clinical Competencieswas established, where the first OSCE at the University of Split Schoolof Medicine was conducted in March 2011. Results. Attendance bystudents to the practical classes and the OSCE was 100%. Positivefeedback was received by students, who requested extra lessons inclinical skills training. Despite not setting a minimal pass rate, the averageOSCE score was 27 out of 30 points. Conclusion. Organizationof clinical skills training and assessment was demanding, requiringmany hours of preparation and numerous staff involvement but wasultimately very rewarding. Both practical classes and the OSCE werevery well received by students, who seemed to be empowered by thisexperience.


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Author Biographies

Irena Zakarija-Grković, University of Split School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine Split

Vladimir J. Šimunović, Department of Medical Humanistic, School of Medicine, Split University and Unit for Science and Research Split University Hospital, Split


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How to Cite

Zakarija-Grković, I., & Šimunović, V. J. (2012). Introduction and preparation of an objective structured clinical examination in family medicine for undergraduate students at the University of Split. Acta Medica Academica, 41(1), 68–74. Retrieved from



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