Hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer in a random sample of colorectal cancer patients


  • Nada Pavlović-Čalić Department of Gastroenterology, University Clinical Center, Internal Medicine Hospital, Tuzla
  • Izet Eminović Institute for Pathology, University Clinical Center, Tuzla
  • Vesna Hadžiabdić Institute for Biochemistry, University School of Medicine, Ljubljana
  • Kasim Muminhodžić Department of Gastroenterology, University Clinical Center, Internal Medicine Hospital, Tuzla
  • Radovan Komel Institute for Biochemistry, University School of Medicine, Ljubljana
  • Davor Pavlović Institute of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, Great Britain


Colorectal cancer, Genetics, Endoscopy, HNPCC


Objective The goal of this prospective research was to determinegenetic and endoscopic changes in patients with sporadiccolorectal cancer and to diagnose HNPCC. Patientsand Methods The group consisted of 40 patients, havingcolorectal cancer. Colonoscopy was performed, genetic testingfor the loss of heterozygousity and microsatellite instability(MSI). Results HNPCC was diagnosed using the Amsterdamand Bethesda criteria in the group of sporadic colorectalcancer in 15% of the cases, and exhibited an MSI-H for thechromosome 2p where the hMSH2 mismatch repair gene islocalized. The greatest number of patients with sporadic coloncancer and HNPCC displayed Astler-Coller B2 and C1spread levels. Conclusion The research results indicate thatthe colonoscopy should be used as a screening method forcolorectal cancer. It is necessary to design a colorectal cancerscreening program for the general population and high riskindividuals. There is a need to form National colorectal cancer,HNPCC and FAP registries.


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How to Cite

Pavlović-Čalić, N., Eminović, I., Hadžiabdić, V., Muminhodžić, K., Komel, R., & Pavlović, D. (2007). Hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer in a random sample of colorectal cancer patients. Acta Medica Academica, 36(1), 10–17. Retrieved from



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