Is subjective well-being a measure or the measure of mental health?


  • Dušan Kecmanović Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo


Subjective well-being, Happiness, Mental health


No matter how we conceive subjective well-being, happiness,as a predominantly affective condition, is a key componentof it. There is a tendency, mostly within positive psychology,to equate subjective well-being, i.e., happiness and mentalhealth. The question arises as to how well founded it is toequate happiness and mental health. The author challengesthe connection between subjective well-being and mentalhealth. He argues that mental health should not be reducedto happiness. In order to back his view he analyses six aspectsof the alleged association of happiness and mental health,and shows the mismatch of these two phenomena. Conclusion.Mental health comprises inter alia the correct perceptionof reality, a critical stance towards the given society, andbehavioral manifestations. All these occurrences are not thedefining characteristics of subjective well-being. Therefore, subjective well-being can be a measure but not the measure of mental health.


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How to Cite

Kecmanović, D. (2010). Is subjective well-being a measure or the measure of mental health?. Acta Medica Academica, 39(1), 62–70. Retrieved from



Philosophy of Psychiatry

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