Somatic diseases and mental disorders: should they be differentiated?


  • Dušan Kecmanović Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo


Somatic disease, Mental disorder, Differences


The authors of DSM-III and DSM-IV, as well as some other renowned scholars (e.g., M. Roth, R.E. Kendell) argue that the terms somatic (physical) and mental disorder should be abandoned because “there is much that is physical in the socalled mental disorders, and much mental in the so-called physical disorders”. The author of this paper challenges such a view. He points that differences between somatic diseases and mental disorders largely outweigh their similarities. That is why, no matter how much they implicate an outdated mindbody duality, the terms somatic disease and mental disorder should be preserved.


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How to Cite

Kecmanović, D. (2006). Somatic diseases and mental disorders: should they be differentiated?. Acta Medica Academica, 35(2), 94–106. Retrieved from



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